exclusive offers & sweet rewards

Get ready for 4 exclusive offers every month – just for Lovely Rewards members!
Enjoy fresh, exciting deals that change each month, available every day. See what’s waiting for you this February!

Swiss Malts - $8
Nutella Crepes - $10
Breakfast Menu - Double Points
Jamaican Banana - $17

how to redeem

While we're working on a fresh coat of syrup for Lovely Rewards & app, you can still redeem your rewards by mentioning your Member ID (mobile number) at the pay counter. 

Please note: you must have spent min  $1 at The Pancake Parlour to be eligible to your monthly rewards.

Terms & Conditions
Offers are valid for duration of February, 2025. Offer can be redeemed at any of our 13 open Pancake Parlour restaurants. Each offer is available once per day. Only one (1) discounted offer can be redeemed per member account, per day. To redeem a discounted offer, you scan the offer barcode on the ‘Bonus Offers’ section of your Lovely Rewards app. Offer available for both dine in and takeaway. Breakfast Menu Double Points offer is valid for Breakfast Food items only, drinks are not valid. Swiss Malts Offer is valid for Regular-sized Only. Pint-sized is not valid. Offer is not valid in conjunction with any other offer provided by The Pancake Parlour. Offer is not available via UberEATS or Deliveroo.